Egyptian Journalists’ Syndicate raided days prior to World Press Freedom Day

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Egyptian Journalists’ Syndicate raided days prior to World Press Freedom Day


The Egyptian Revolutionary Council strongly condemns the raid on the Egyptian Journalists’ Syndicate only two days before World Press Freedom Day and the arrests that were made from within the quarters; a crime that Egyptian journalists witness for the first time. This move was described by the head of the Journalists Syndicate as “unprecedented” and a “violation of law”.

Journalists in Egypt face appalling violations of their rights at the hands of the military dictatorship with Egypt ranking second only to China as the world’s worst jailer of journalists in 2015. Through harassment, persecution and intimidation, the government has severely hindered journalists’ work and hence seriously undermined freedom of press in an attempt to silence all voices of dissent.

Journalists in Egypt today face imprisonment, are forcibly prevented from visiting the Press Syndicate, and have frequently been assaulted. Only a few days back, families of the detained journalists announced the start of a sit-in to demand the release of their relatives.

The Egyptian Revolutionary Council (ERC) is closely monitoring the situation in Egypt and stands in solidarity with the detained journalists and their families. The ERC fully supports the demands of freedom for the detained journalists and freedom of the press.

The ERC salutes all conscientious journalists who are working under difficult conditions and suffer harassment and persecution at the hands of the Egyptian security forces.

Furthermore, the ERC considers the military dictatorship fully responsible for the killing of protesters, arbitrary arrests and maltreatment of prisoners by depriving them of basic necessities and family visits. We also denounce the maltreatment of prisoners’ families and the abuse and harassment they suffer at the hands of the security forces.

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