A letter from the detainee student “Esraa Khaled”

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A letter from the detainee student “Esraa Khaled”


From behind the walls of Qanater women’s prison “Esra Khaled Said” sent dreams after getting out of prison

Text message”:”

“My dream now is that when I get out of the prison that ride a bike, or play by kite or look to the Nile in the morning time or look in the sun until it hurt my eyes, or look at the moon, which I had not seen it since 626day, That’s what decided that came me the opportunity, will not look at the moon, but I am “free”.

She added: “”I will not watch it from the prison window, not from a car of deportations! And I do not know when I get out of the prison, I will have the ability to do all of these things or not? I do not hate Egypt… I feel oppressed only of it”
It is worth mentioning that, “Esraa Khaled” a student at the Faculty of Engineering, was arrested on January 20, 2015, from her home at dawn, in Beni Suef and suffer from harassment and seizure of their personal belongings, which led to a hunger strike for a long time.

Esraa moved between more than prison and deteriorated health condition after her father’s death, “Khaled Said” on March 2015 in the central prison in Beni Suef, a result of the deterioration of his health and the prison administration refused to taken to the hospital for treatment.


Source: ecrfeg.org.

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